How to Clean a Sofa


Cleaning a sofa can be one of the most challenging jobs you have to do. After all, it is a heavy piece of furniture that can be expensive. So if you’re looking for a solution, here are some tips.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a cheap and effective way to remove stains and odors from your sofa. It is also safe to use on many surfaces.

The most obvious way to use baking soda to clean your sofa is by applying a light coating to the upholstery. Then, after allowing it to sit for a short while, you can vacuum the baking soda. Using a vacuum with a soft brush attachment should not be a problem.

If the furniture has hard-to-reach crevices, you may need to do multiple passes to get rid of the stains. You can also use a steam cleaner. Steamers are great for cleaning and killing bacteria.

You can also use a sponge soaked in detergent to clean the cushions. Alternatively, you can use a damp rag to wipe up spills. But don’t use dry cleaning solvents on your couch. They produce strong fumes.


You’re in luck if you’re looking for the best dishes to clean your sofa. These cleaning tips are designed to help you make your upholstered furniture look as good as new.

The first step is to locate the manufacturer’s care tag. It’s usually tucked away on the underside of your sofa. This will tell you which type of cleaner best suits your piece. You can also try to find a reputable upholstery cleaning service.

Generally, it would be best if you did not dry your furniture in the sun. This will leave dirt on your table but could also facilitate mold growth. However, if you must dry your sofa in the open, it’s better to use the water-based option.

You can use a squirt bottle to spray liquid dish soap and water. Let this sit for a few minutes, and then vacuum it up.

Steam cleaner

A steam cleaner for sofas is a great way to keep your sofa clean and in good condition. Using a steam cleaner helps remove stains and allergens that can accumulate on fabric furniture. It is also a cost-effective alternative to hiring professional cleaners to come into your home.

Before using a steam cleaner for sofas, preparing your couch for cleaning is essential. This includes vacuuming, removing pet hair, and ensuring you have the proper tools.

After vacuuming, the next step is to use a steam cleaner. You can either rent one or buy one. But make sure you read the manufacturer’s recommendations before using it.

There are several types of steam cleaners, including handheld and upright models. Some are better suited for cleaning upholstery, while others can be used on other surfaces.

Natural disinfectant

Using a natural disinfectant to clean your sofa is a great way to remove dirt, germs, and bacteria. However, you’ll need to ensure you use the proper cleaning solution. Choosing a cleaning product that’s not safe can cause damage to your upholstery.

There are several DIY natural disinfectant cleaners you can make at home. For example, you can use baking soda, rubbing alcohol, or vinegar to clean upholstery. But first, it’s essential to spot-test a new disinfectant on an out-of-sight area to ensure it won’t damage your fabric.

You can combine water and white vinegar in a spray bottle for a stain-resistant couch. Apply the nozzle evenly from top to bottom. Spray your couch with the solution, then let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. After the soaking period, blot it with a dry paper towel.

Remove stubborn spots and stains.

There are many ways to remove stubborn spots and stains on your sofa. The first thing you should do is test the color. Next, blot a small area of the upholstery with a dry, absorbent towel. This will ensure that you don’t damage the fabric while removing the stain.

You may be tempted to scrub the stain, but this can weaken the fabric. Instead, blot the stain and allow it to air dry. If you’re worried about stains on your furniture, you can hire a professional to remove them for you.

A typical household solution for tackling fresh stains is mixing a few drops of dish soap into warm water. You can also spray the mixture onto the soiled area.

For more thorough cleaning, a foaming fabric cleaner can be used. This type of cleaner is typically applied and allowed to sit for about five to ten minutes. Next, blot the area with a microfiber cloth.