IELTS Preparation – Preface to How the Other Half Thinks


IELTS reading preparation experts agree that Preface to How the Other Half Thinks provides an excellent opportunity to practice reading comprehension, vocabulary, and the ability to make predictions. To maximize your score on this IELTS reading topic, you must read carefully and attentively.

Sherman Stein, known for writing calculus textbooks and monographs on algebra, the theory of tiling, and Archimedes, has created an accessible guidebook on mathematical reasoning for all.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is an integral component of any essay or research paper. It proclaims your topic, details how you intend to investigate it, and outlines significant ideas you plan to present within it. A powerful thesis statement also makes clear that you’re taking an argumentative stance rather than simply reporting facts, giving your paper more excellent direction.

Your thesis statement should typically appear at the end of your introduction or first paragraph of a research paper, though depending on its length, it could also come at the conclusion of any opening paragraph of the body of the essay.

Your thesis should make the promise to your readers that you will prove or develop specific facts or ideas; every paragraph, sentence, and word in your paper should relate to this one idea – like an intricate maze, it guides your journey as you navigate its obstacles.

Many students make the mistake of thinking a thesis statement is just an exposition of their knowledge or opinion about a subject matter when, in reality, a thesis should be an argument for one particular viewpoint on an argumentative subject matter. Your instructors will appreciate a paper that displays your critical thinking skills and analytical abilities.

Keep in mind that as you research and write your paper, your thesis statement may change as you learn more about its topic. Your opinion might also shift depending on what evidence comes to light that supports your claims, thus allowing it to evolve throughout its writing. However, having a working hypothesis to guide research can still prove valuable.

A compelling thesis statement should answer an issue or question that resonates with your readership or class, for instance, “Elementary school children consume nine times more sugar than is healthy. Schools should be required to remove soda machines and provide only healthy beverages”. This statement answers a question while simultaneously identifying an issue of public interest and proposing solutions. It is well organized because it presents clear topics, arguments, and supporting details.


Prefaces serve as an introduction for books, providing an opportunity for authors to give more details about their work – such as its creation or purpose, definition of unfamiliar terms or definition of any that might confuse readers, as well as to acknowledge those who assisted during the writing process.

As part of your preface, it can be helpful to start by introducing yourself. This allows readers to gain an understanding of both your credentials and credibility, as well as get a glimpse of your unique perspective on the topic at hand. Following that introduction, describe the history and development of the book while noting any challenges it encountered along the way.

Writing a compelling preface requires being clear and concise while maintaining its flow from beginning to end. Doing this will keep readers engaged while providing them with accessible reading content. Furthermore, avoid including irrelevant details; use your preface as an opportunity to provide extra context or insightful thoughts that don’t fit elsewhere in the text of your book.

Example of an influential preface by Ronan Farrow’s book Catch and Kill that uses contextual information to aid reader comprehension: in Farrow’s case, explaining the difficulty of covering powerful media predators like Harvey Weinstein while working for major news outlets provides enough background for informed decisions regarding whether or not they read this novel.


A hook is a sentence that introduces your article’s topic and draws readers in, using questions, facts, or provocative statements as ways in. A great theme will engage readers immediately while also being relevant and easily understandable for both the audience and the topic. It should also be well written.

A compelling hook is one that immediately grabs a reader’s attention and compels them to continue reading, often through provocative statements that challenge beliefs held by readers. You could use rhetorical questions, famous quotes, or controversial arguments as ways of hooking readers’ interest – making your hook more interesting by adding in personal stories or anecdotes as well.

IELTS experts overwhelmingly agree that the “Preface to How the Other Half Thinks” reading selection passage provides an effective means of testing reading comprehension, vocabulary, and ability to predict accurately. Furthermore, it helps improve time management skills by prompting you to complete all questions within a set time frame. Multiple-choice, short answers with explanations, and more extended responses can all be found here, making this passage ideal preparation for IELTS test taking.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraph is where you should detail and support your argument with evidence. Body paragraphs should always build upon and support the main idea of your paper, essay, or article by providing empirical data, logical deduction, deliberate persuasion, or anecdotal evidence – with clear themes or messages for readers – while providing an easy transition from one paragraph to the next or your conclusion.

Each body paragraph should begin with an introductory topic sentence that establishes what the section will cover, followed by one to three supporting sentences that expand and develop on that point. Think of your topic sentence as the label that identifies what this paragraph will discuss; supporting sentences provide evidence to back up your claim; concluding sentences give a summary or restatement of the original point in light of supporting evidence;

Applying the PIE (Piece, Inside, Outside) structure for your body paragraphs is one way of organizing them effectively. With this structure in place, every section begins with a topic sentence that describes its subject matter before moving into supporting sentences that explore various aspects of it and, eventually, a concluding sentence that wraps everything up neatly. This ensures that each paragraph supports and expands upon your main idea while adding depth.

Another tip for creating a smooth flow through your essay or article is using transition words at the ends of body paragraphs to preview or link them with the next one, then at the start of each new section, link back with what came before. This helps ensure readers can follow your argument more easily; free examples of these transitions can even be found online – simply using simple phrases such as “however” and “on the contrary” will do just fine in helping readers transition easily from paragraph to paragraph.