Data Structures Tutorial


The Data Structures tutorial is a comprehensive guide that will teach you the basics of data structures. It is designed to make learning these algorithms a breeze. It also covers topics such as Queues, Graphs, and Stack. It will also explain how they differ and how to use them to store data.


A Stack data structure is used to store and retrieve data. Stacks can be empty or full. The top item is removed first, and the bottom remains the longest. This data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) rule.


Queue data structures store items in a list commonly used in database systems. The data structure comprises two pointers: the front and rear pointers. The front arrow represents the first element of the queue, while the back lead represents the last element of the line. The pointers are initialized with -1. If the front tip is empty, the rear information is blank. If you insert a part into the back lead, the front arrow will be filled, and vice versa.


Dequeue data structures allow inserting elements at either end of a list. You can implement this data structure using a circular array or a doubly linked list.


A graph data structure is a collection of nodes and edges. To traverse a graph, you need to add or remove a border. Graph classes make data representation and algorithm implementation easier. Although these classes are not always faster, they make adding labels to nodes and arcs easier. This allows you to write algorithms that take these labels into account.

Graph data structure

A graph data structure is a data structure in which edges connect nodes. These edges are called vertices and are arranged in an array. Each vertex of a graph has a member that points to its neighbors. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the basic operations of diagrams and how they relate to each other. We’ll also learn about the adjacency matrix, a connection matrix. This matrix describes the relationships between the vertices in a graph.

Arrays in data structures

Arrays are data structures used to organize and store data. They are faster than other methods, such as indexes, linked lists, and traversals. However, their performance is limited by the fact that you cannot change the size of an array after it is created. This means that you must know the size of the array before starting it.

Non-linear data structures

In computer science, a non-linear data structure has more levels than a linear one. This kind of data structure uses memory efficiently. As the number of classes in a data structure increases, so does its time complexity. Graphs and trees are both examples of non-linear data structures. The data pieces stored in a graph or tree are called nodes. Each node is connected to every other node in the graph or tree.